I’ll say it again: the idea that the mighty American military isn’t putting a stop to this coup is shameful. Trump and Musk deserve a traitors fate and they deserves it now. We cannot be passive, we cannot be weak. We have to do whatever is necessary as a country.
Be careful what you wish for, Angie. If the American military moves against the elected President, they will themselves be conducting a coup d'état.
LIke it or not, Donald Trump is the legitimate President, the Chief Executive. Only the Legislative and Judicial branches of government may legitimately limit the powers of the Executive branch. Ultimately, the only effective path to ending this Presidency now is Impeachment.
Wouldn't that trigger a terrible civil war? Who would give the command to the rebels? And doesn't that have to come from the disgusting Commander in Chief? And wouldn't the soldiers be breaking their oath? How many would rebel? and how many would support the orange sadist/the law/their oath? That is very, very, very scary to think about. I don't want a war. Other ways MUST be found! The Democrats MUST begin to fight back -- FEROCIOUSLY!!!
I'm befuddled as well. It worries me more & more with each passing day. WHERE are those that love America? Who ALSO took the oath to protect the Constitution?
Ms. Lautman, thank you for your steadfast reporting. I've been following you for some time but only recently joined on Substack. Your newsletters are incredibly informative, if terribly frightening. Last night just before going to sleep, I saw Anne Applebaum's headline on the Heritage Foundation not only want to dismantle the U.S., but Europe as well. That really shook me to the point I didn't want to read so as not to have nightmares. This is so terribly draining on all of us Americans, and now I'm sure, the wider world. I went to three protests this week, a modest number of people but the same people out there in Surpries, Az. where I'm just here for the winter months. I saw that in downtown Chicago, there were thousands protesting a few days ago. We have to keep protesting. Putin has never been our friend and will never be our friend. As I go overseas next month to see family, I worry about how Americans will be viewed abroad.
Trump the traitor has left the US in such a highly vulnerable security position it’s very scary. I guess the movie Red Dawn is closer to reality then I ever imagined
This is definitely being considered as Trump threatens to annex Canada and one of the main reasons Trudeau recently traveled to meet with King Charles to ask for security guarantees
Yes, Trump and his backers are an existential danger along with Putin, and there is increasing suspicion we DID NOT even elect him! Everyone in the U.S. needs to know the truth along with our allies, many of whom blame us perhaps very incorrectly for electing Trump when that may not well even be true, despite all the voter suppression and "divide and conquer" strategies by Trump and his domestic and foreign backers.
For more information, please go to Election Truth Alliance's (ETA) website at electiontruthalliance.org/videos (they are also on social media).
First, please see the urgent and current top March 3 video (9 min.) about their new 2-week sprint for paper trail audits in key places to discover more "smoking guns" of election manipulation with lawsuits to be filed if necessary.
Secondly, to see and hear many of the key NUTS AND BOLTS of the 2024 election manipulation they suspect and have been continuing to see multiple signs of, please also watch the very eye-opening interview on the Mark Thompson Show (40 min.) from Feb. 27 on ETA's Videos page & also at youtube.com/watch?v=AWSWqn7UHYM (see the 24:30 mark where they discuss what Spoonamore got right and wrong).
Thirdly, also watch the longer important presentation (90 min.) that Election Truth Alliance did with Smart Elections on Jan. 18 with subsequent research since. It is the 5th video down currently with light blue title screen on ETA's own site. It is also on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgXOkfVVtbk); and also at the 9:30 min. mark, they do briefly discuss Spoonamore's initial work (in which he later corrected some mistakes due to doing analysis too early while votes were still coming in, I believe) and then Smart Elections and ETA continue discussing their vote manipulation research, especially starting at the 16 min. mark, watch it ALL as soon as you have time!
(PLEASE also donate any amount you can or volunteer to help Election Truth Alliance; I gave $100 which is what I myself can afford right now. It will all add up if we help them NOW, and there are few things more urgent because fair elections matter for EVERYTHING. We must GET MAD at possible manipulation in addition to ongoing voter suppression, and GET EVEN through accountability for all who could have been involved!)
We have to get a stream of as much data and evidence as possible to the manufacturers of the voting machines, and in particular to the software engineers who design the process for the counting from those machines. It’s imperative that the software be secured to the umpteenth degree to prevent the United States from arriving at the time that the insurrectionist-in-chief described as “you won’t have to vote anymore…”
Tragically so. Fooling themselves with "Lost Cause" variety delusions make them soft targets for GRU Russian intelligence experts to manipulate and control
Thank you, Olga, for providing crucial information about the national security implications of this President's recklessness. With so much focus on the threats to our domestic economy, people's healthcare and federal assistance programs, it's easy to overlook the damage being done to institutions that keep us safe from foreign attacks.
But please stop asserting that Republicans will never do a thing to restrain him. We need the cooperation of some number of Republicans, or there truly is no hope. The fact is, the only way to decisively end this crisis is Impeachment.
The Judiciary is powerless to enforce its rulings. So only the Legislative Branch has the indisputable power to rein in the Executive Branch. And Impeachment requires that we persuade a significant number of moderate Republicans to join a temporary bipartisan alliance. Admittedly, this will not be an easy task, but it's not impossible -- unless we don't even try. Do not surrender in advance.
The ground is shifting. Not every Republican Representative and Senator is a MAGA extremist. Many have deep ties to the defense establishment, as well as to powerful economic interests like the pharmaceutical industry, big agriculture, and manufacturing. All are major donors and all are increasingly at risk. It's not unrealistic to expect them to begin demanding their legislators bring this crisis to an end.
To learn more about the rationale and mechanics of Impeachment, and what we can do to help bring it about, please see these posts from FeathersOfHope.net :
Last time we were distracted by stupid shit, like a blue dress, a bunch of scumbags in a cave were planning something that would send us on a wild goose chase for 22 years. If only we might remember history and learn from it. Oh well.... Back to "never forget" virtue signalling on anniversaries and forgetting what the actual problem was about. Yay 🇺🇸🗽🇺🇸
It's a paradox - the US, one of our most trusted intelligence/counter-intelligence partners, is about to turn its back to its allies (us) through the last 80 years. And there is absolutely NO way to check Trump as long as the Republicans in Congress sit on their hands. Someone in the GOP must have an understanding of the dramatic situation rises if and when the US does not receive any more intelligence from its previous allies. Suddenly the US security is challenged.
I can't help wondering what professional CIA employees - and particularly agents and analysts - are making of all this. It must go against everything they were trained for and believe in. Until recently, when an agent went to the enemy, or acted on their own power, they were called rogue. But what happens when the President of the United States goes rogue?
Perhaps it will be some folks from the intelligence community, recognizing the dire threat, that will put a halt to his destructive actions somehow. Undermine his initiatives, if you will.
Kremlin's main vulnerabilities. March 25. 'Putin needs victory, and he needs it Fast' - The trends of recent months regarding the state of affairs at the frontline and the situation within Russia itself suggest that Putin would benefit from initiating peace talks as soon as possible. However... Read full article on my Substack page and share
The actions of the Intelligence Community are to treat our allies as adversaries according to Project 2025. Any country that has not read it is not doing their due diligence. In fact, it talks about spying on our allies for the first two years and not sharing intelligence. Reading that should have sent up red flags to any country before he even took office.
Another thing is that the plans for the intelligence community is to move heads around a lot, which means no one is developing a good learning curve in what they are doing, and things will be unstable within the intelligence community all the time. So, even with loyalists working for him, the plan is not one that treats them well. There is going to be high stress due to chaos. Wonder how safe Trump will be if the power in the White house is hacked, including generators. Mar-a-lago could be another target. How about our military bases, etc... We have been in hybrid warfare for a long time, and Trump is taking away the tools to combat it.
I’ll say it again: the idea that the mighty American military isn’t putting a stop to this coup is shameful. Trump and Musk deserve a traitors fate and they deserves it now. We cannot be passive, we cannot be weak. We have to do whatever is necessary as a country.
In particular Trump who took at oath to the Constitution. Definitely a traitor. Musk should be deported along with his 25 kids and their moms
Be careful what you wish for, Angie. If the American military moves against the elected President, they will themselves be conducting a coup d'état.
LIke it or not, Donald Trump is the legitimate President, the Chief Executive. Only the Legislative and Judicial branches of government may legitimately limit the powers of the Executive branch. Ultimately, the only effective path to ending this Presidency now is Impeachment.
See these posts at FeathersOfHope.net :
Feb. 12, https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/to-stop-the-coup-impeach-the-traitor
Feb. 18, https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/impeachment-is-imperative
Feb. 25, https://jerryweiss,substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach
Correct. I think people may be just sort of venting in the comments and don’t really mean it.
Wouldn't that trigger a terrible civil war? Who would give the command to the rebels? And doesn't that have to come from the disgusting Commander in Chief? And wouldn't the soldiers be breaking their oath? How many would rebel? and how many would support the orange sadist/the law/their oath? That is very, very, very scary to think about. I don't want a war. Other ways MUST be found! The Democrats MUST begin to fight back -- FEROCIOUSLY!!!
I'm befuddled as well. It worries me more & more with each passing day. WHERE are those that love America? Who ALSO took the oath to protect the Constitution?
Ms. Lautman, thank you for your steadfast reporting. I've been following you for some time but only recently joined on Substack. Your newsletters are incredibly informative, if terribly frightening. Last night just before going to sleep, I saw Anne Applebaum's headline on the Heritage Foundation not only want to dismantle the U.S., but Europe as well. That really shook me to the point I didn't want to read so as not to have nightmares. This is so terribly draining on all of us Americans, and now I'm sure, the wider world. I went to three protests this week, a modest number of people but the same people out there in Surpries, Az. where I'm just here for the winter months. I saw that in downtown Chicago, there were thousands protesting a few days ago. We have to keep protesting. Putin has never been our friend and will never be our friend. As I go overseas next month to see family, I worry about how Americans will be viewed abroad.
Trump the traitor has left the US in such a highly vulnerable security position it’s very scary. I guess the movie Red Dawn is closer to reality then I ever imagined
I'd recommend you don't watch Alex Garland's Civil War in that case.
Unfortunately watched that one also that is much closer to reality
I posted this on my substack four days ago. It speaks VOLUMES.
"The question no one dares ask: what if Britain has to defend itself from the US?"
This is definitely being considered as Trump threatens to annex Canada and one of the main reasons Trudeau recently traveled to meet with King Charles to ask for security guarantees
What a catastrophe the orange sadist has unleashed!
Yes, Trump and his backers are an existential danger along with Putin, and there is increasing suspicion we DID NOT even elect him! Everyone in the U.S. needs to know the truth along with our allies, many of whom blame us perhaps very incorrectly for electing Trump when that may not well even be true, despite all the voter suppression and "divide and conquer" strategies by Trump and his domestic and foreign backers.
For more information, please go to Election Truth Alliance's (ETA) website at electiontruthalliance.org/videos (they are also on social media).
First, please see the urgent and current top March 3 video (9 min.) about their new 2-week sprint for paper trail audits in key places to discover more "smoking guns" of election manipulation with lawsuits to be filed if necessary.
Secondly, to see and hear many of the key NUTS AND BOLTS of the 2024 election manipulation they suspect and have been continuing to see multiple signs of, please also watch the very eye-opening interview on the Mark Thompson Show (40 min.) from Feb. 27 on ETA's Videos page & also at youtube.com/watch?v=AWSWqn7UHYM (see the 24:30 mark where they discuss what Spoonamore got right and wrong).
Thirdly, also watch the longer important presentation (90 min.) that Election Truth Alliance did with Smart Elections on Jan. 18 with subsequent research since. It is the 5th video down currently with light blue title screen on ETA's own site. It is also on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgXOkfVVtbk); and also at the 9:30 min. mark, they do briefly discuss Spoonamore's initial work (in which he later corrected some mistakes due to doing analysis too early while votes were still coming in, I believe) and then Smart Elections and ETA continue discussing their vote manipulation research, especially starting at the 16 min. mark, watch it ALL as soon as you have time!
(PLEASE also donate any amount you can or volunteer to help Election Truth Alliance; I gave $100 which is what I myself can afford right now. It will all add up if we help them NOW, and there are few things more urgent because fair elections matter for EVERYTHING. We must GET MAD at possible manipulation in addition to ongoing voter suppression, and GET EVEN through accountability for all who could have been involved!)
We have to get a stream of as much data and evidence as possible to the manufacturers of the voting machines, and in particular to the software engineers who design the process for the counting from those machines. It’s imperative that the software be secured to the umpteenth degree to prevent the United States from arriving at the time that the insurrectionist-in-chief described as “you won’t have to vote anymore…”
The US is becoming a satellite government of the Xi/Putin axis?
Hello Tim... I would Qualify that by saying DJT, the GOP, Musk, and MAGA are the 'Useful Fools'...
Tragically so. Fooling themselves with "Lost Cause" variety delusions make them soft targets for GRU Russian intelligence experts to manipulate and control
Hello Tim... I would add the Chinese Intel Operatives....
Public opinion is being marshalled into a Xi/Putin/Thiel (VanceMuskTrump) axis
United Red Satellites of America.
it appears so, sadly and tragically.
Truly a nightmare, especially given the Five Eyes Agreement.
Thank you, Olga, for providing crucial information about the national security implications of this President's recklessness. With so much focus on the threats to our domestic economy, people's healthcare and federal assistance programs, it's easy to overlook the damage being done to institutions that keep us safe from foreign attacks.
But please stop asserting that Republicans will never do a thing to restrain him. We need the cooperation of some number of Republicans, or there truly is no hope. The fact is, the only way to decisively end this crisis is Impeachment.
The Judiciary is powerless to enforce its rulings. So only the Legislative Branch has the indisputable power to rein in the Executive Branch. And Impeachment requires that we persuade a significant number of moderate Republicans to join a temporary bipartisan alliance. Admittedly, this will not be an easy task, but it's not impossible -- unless we don't even try. Do not surrender in advance.
The ground is shifting. Not every Republican Representative and Senator is a MAGA extremist. Many have deep ties to the defense establishment, as well as to powerful economic interests like the pharmaceutical industry, big agriculture, and manufacturing. All are major donors and all are increasingly at risk. It's not unrealistic to expect them to begin demanding their legislators bring this crisis to an end.
To learn more about the rationale and mechanics of Impeachment, and what we can do to help bring it about, please see these posts from FeathersOfHope.net :
Feb. 12, https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/to-stop-the-coup-impeach-the-traitor
Feb. 18, https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/impeachment-is-imperative
Feb. 25, https://jerryweiss,substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach
Thank You Olga... Another Fine Post....
Last time we were distracted by stupid shit, like a blue dress, a bunch of scumbags in a cave were planning something that would send us on a wild goose chase for 22 years. If only we might remember history and learn from it. Oh well.... Back to "never forget" virtue signalling on anniversaries and forgetting what the actual problem was about. Yay 🇺🇸🗽🇺🇸
It's a paradox - the US, one of our most trusted intelligence/counter-intelligence partners, is about to turn its back to its allies (us) through the last 80 years. And there is absolutely NO way to check Trump as long as the Republicans in Congress sit on their hands. Someone in the GOP must have an understanding of the dramatic situation rises if and when the US does not receive any more intelligence from its previous allies. Suddenly the US security is challenged.
I can't help wondering what professional CIA employees - and particularly agents and analysts - are making of all this. It must go against everything they were trained for and believe in. Until recently, when an agent went to the enemy, or acted on their own power, they were called rogue. But what happens when the President of the United States goes rogue?
Perhaps it will be some folks from the intelligence community, recognizing the dire threat, that will put a halt to his destructive actions somehow. Undermine his initiatives, if you will.
Kremlin's main vulnerabilities. March 25. 'Putin needs victory, and he needs it Fast' - The trends of recent months regarding the state of affairs at the frontline and the situation within Russia itself suggest that Putin would benefit from initiating peace talks as soon as possible. However... Read full article on my Substack page and share
The actions of the Intelligence Community are to treat our allies as adversaries according to Project 2025. Any country that has not read it is not doing their due diligence. In fact, it talks about spying on our allies for the first two years and not sharing intelligence. Reading that should have sent up red flags to any country before he even took office.
Another thing is that the plans for the intelligence community is to move heads around a lot, which means no one is developing a good learning curve in what they are doing, and things will be unstable within the intelligence community all the time. So, even with loyalists working for him, the plan is not one that treats them well. There is going to be high stress due to chaos. Wonder how safe Trump will be if the power in the White house is hacked, including generators. Mar-a-lago could be another target. How about our military bases, etc... We have been in hybrid warfare for a long time, and Trump is taking away the tools to combat it.